Calcara, A. (2020). European Defence Decision-Making: Dilemmas of Collaborative Arms Procurement. Abingdon: Routledge Studies in European Strategy and Security series
Calcara, A., Lavallèe, C., Csernantoni, R. (2020). The European Governance of Emerging Security Technologies. Abingdon: Routledge Studies in Conflict, Technology and Security Series
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Calcara, A. (2020). The Hybrid Role of the High Representative in EU Security and Defence: More in 10 Months than in 10 Years. European Security (forthcoming)
Calcara, A. (2019). Making sense of European armaments policies: A liberal intergovernmentalist research agenda. Comparative Strategy, 38(6), 567-581.
Calcara, A. (2019). Differentiated Integration in the European Defence Field. European Review of International Studies, 6(2), 71-91.
Calcara, A. (2019). Cooperation and non cooperation in European defence procurement. Journal of European Integration, 1-17.
Calcara, A. & Vittori, D. (2019) Italians do it Better? The Italian Approach to International
Relations. European Political Science. 1-26.
Calcara, A. (2018). Cooperation and Conflict in the European Defence-Industrial Field: the Role of Relative Gains. Defence Studies, 18(4), 1-24
Calcara, A. (2017d). Italy’s defence policy in the European context: the case of the European Defence Agency. Contemporary Italian Politics, 9(3), 277-301.
Calcara, A. (2017c). State–defence industry relations in the European context: French and UK interactions with the European Defence Agency. European Security, 26(4), 527-551 .
Calcara, A. (2017b). The Role of Experts in the European Defence Agency: An Emerging Transgovernmental Network. European Foreign Affairs Review, 22(3), 377-392.
Calcara, A. (2017a). Brexit: What Impact on Armaments Cooperation?. Global Affairs, 3(2), 139-152
Calcara, A. (2020). The European Defence Agency and the Subcommittee on Security and Defence: A "Discursive Coalition" for EU Defence Research . In Calcara, A; Lavallee, C; Csernatoni, R, Emerging Security Technologies and EU Governance: Actors, Practices and Processes.